
Shelf Stretch LCD Signage Display

Shelf & Wall Stretch displays are specifically designed to make every piece of content stand out. The unique, stretched form of a stretch display, combined with high brightness and the ability to stack multiple units side by side, makes it an excellent choice for an eye-catching digital signage screen from Dynamiccom.

23.1inch : 585 mm(H)*47.9mm(V)
37.8 inch: 959.04mm(H)*52.614mm(V)
46.6 inch: 1183 mm(H)*37 mm(V)
37 inch Wall: 899.5mm (H) *253mm (V)

R11,603.00 - R17,870.00
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch Signage Display
Shelf Stretch LCD Signage Display
Shelf Stretch LCD Signage Display
Shelf Stretch LCD Signage Display
Shelf Stretch LCD Signage Display
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