Owen Patmore

Owen Patmore

Blog by Owen Patmore

You got your new wireless webcam. It’s one of the popular devices that improve the video conferencing experience.
02.09.23 07:59 AM - Comment(s)
Transform your classroom with interactive whiteboard integration! Engage students in dynamic learning experiences, boost participation, and simplify complex concepts.
02.09.23 07:45 AM - Comment(s)
Discover the world of IPEVO document cameras, designed to cater to diverse presentation needs. Before investing, consider your preferences and requirements to find the perfect camera tailored just for you.
02.09.23 07:45 AM - Comment(s)
Discover how to handle common wireless presentation equipment issues and deliver flawless performances every time. Our practical solutions will help you become a presentation pro!
21.08.23 01:26 PM - Comment(s)
As a teacher, you want to make learning fun and effective. Interactive smartboards are the answer! This blog explores how these innovative displays can revolutionize your classroom.
14.08.23 07:48 AM - Comment(s)


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